Accidents, Traffic or Labor
What happens if I do not sign the friendly party?
What is the Insurance Compensation Consortium?
How will the compensation be calculated?
What are the limits of insurance to third parties?
In case of road accident, as driver or occupant and pedestrian has the right to the maximum compensation to do so contact one of our specialist lawyers in accidents.
If the suspect of an accident, also entitled to the best defense, especially if they accuse him of driving the vehicle under the influence of alcoholic beverages. His company desentenderá from you. Contact us.
Are eligible for compensation all accidents? What are the rates and coverage of the awards? Do prevents an incapacity for work make any kind of work? What is the documentation that I have to contribute?
An accident at work is that succeeds the worker during their workday or well on the way to work or from work to home. In the latter case the accident named in itinere.
Accident at work shall not be considered:
· The reckless reckless, although professional imprudence.
· The accident that occurs in the workplace when the injured is committing a fraudulent crime.
· The strokes of infarction, thrombosis, bleeding brain or similar if they are not a product of the work.
Do not sign any document nor accept compensation without having consulted with counsel independent of insurance companies. Contact us.